As many of you know, we have moved to Heredia before setting off to Potrero. One of the things I was most excited about was the central market. I was there once when I was traveling to Costa Rica for the first time, but didn't have much of a chance to really explore on my own time. So on our first full day we decided to go for a stroll to the market. So we took a lovely walk to the market. Do you remember when we used to make fun of older people who would complain about how bad their lives were growing up compared to ours? "We walked to school in the snow up hills both ways....." Well, they must have been in Costa Rica, except for the snow. I come from Indiana where the world is mostly flat. There are a few hills, we will call them bumps. Those bumps make up a slight incline into softly rolling bumps at best. They do have bumps in Costa Rica but those are speed bumps. My first experience with the central market was going down a hill ...
The adventure of my husband and I leaving the United States, building a home, and relocating to Costa Rica.