Many of you know that I have made jewelry for about 15 years. Some years I have made more than others but it's always been a presence in my life. The business name that I adopted is Chaotic Contessa Designs. Over the years I have become somewhat successful in the trade and quit my full time job in July of 2018 to work exclusively on jewelry design, much to the dismay of my brains ambassador of finance. Let me take a moment and share with you some of my lovely designs because you are now actually a captive audience. Prepare yourself to be amazed by my super power skills, ninja like hand agility, Miche langelo(esque) power of design and bodybuilder sized pinching muscles in my poor hands. Please note, this display works best if you read the captions following the pictures out load with the proper amount of aw and reverence. OHHH AHHH OHHH AHHH Well, now we can move on to more about me because we all know that is ...
The adventure of my husband and I leaving the United States, building a home, and relocating to Costa Rica.